”Jesus elsker alle, siger vi, og det giver han klart udtryk for på et tidspunkt, hvor nogle oplevelser pludselig får ham til at sige tak til Gud, fordi Gud har gjort troen og Guds kærlighed mere forståeligt for dem, der ikke har den hele store baggrund og teoretiske viden. Det er nok ikke for at holde de kloge og belæste uden for, men det understreges, at Jesus ikke stiller en masse krav op for at være en af hans venner eller disciple. Det er noget af en håndsrækning!”
Måned: juli 2014
Resident Aliens, Part 2
This book, more than any theological book I have ever read, has formed my beliefs and my calling to give my life as a UMC pastor. Happy 25th anniversary.
Originally posted on A Peculiar Prophet:
Surprises and Thanksgivings for Resident Aliens 25 Years Later
This year Abingdon Press has released a new edition of Resident Aliens on the book’s twenty-fifth anniversary. Stanley Hauerwas and I have written a foreword and afterword for the new edition. Here is the second part of my foreword. Stanley and I will present at this year’s Alumni Convocation at Duke Divinity School in early October.
Surprises after Resident Aliens was published? Of course I was thrilled that Christians, particularly new and younger Christians on the plains of Canada, or in the outback of Australia, or in a sheep farm in New Zealand, or in a bleak German innercity read the book and found hope for the future. That which Stanley and I tended to speak of as future possibility we quickly discovered was present reality in a Christian commune in Oregon, a house church in Detroit, or even in…
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